Linked Data Seminar 2 December 2016 Photo Impression

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Our view from the Waternet office

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Last preparations before the event

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Host Erwin Folmer (Kadaster)

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The audience at the Waternet office

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A warm welcome by Ann Loogman (Waternet)

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A slide with the supporting organizations of Platform Linked Data Netherlands (PLDN)

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Next year is our 5 year anniversary, but we need a new host…

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Timon Knigge (Waternet) about the use of the Object Type Library (OTL) in their projects

Block Spatial Data Applications[bewerken]

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Christophe Debruyne (ADAPT) about Serving Ireland's Geospatial Information as Linked Data

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Christophe Debruyne (ADAPT)

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A question from the audience

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Erwin Folmer (Kadaster) and Christophe Debruyne (ADAPT)

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Raf Buyle (Informatiepunt Vlaanderen) about Linked base registries as a key enabler for eGovernment in Flanders

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Raf Buyle (Informatiepunt Vlaanderen)

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Raf Buyle (Informatiepunt Vlaanderen)

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Raf Buyle (Informatiepunt Vlaanderen) and Erwin Folmer (Kadaster)

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Many Linked Data experts from our community work on projects for the organizations involved in PLDN (the community is therefore a very good source for finding experts)

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One of the results of our community is the Geo Linked Data functionality now available in YASGUI and soon also available in PDOK

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What the Kadaster Data Platform is about

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Environmental Act projects can connect data in a meaningful and efficient way using Linked Data

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Good conversations during the break

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And networking opportunities

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Pasquale Di Donato (Swisstopo) about Linked data in the swiss federal data infra

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Pasquale Di Donato (Swisstopo)

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Good interaction with the audience

Block Linked Data for Heritage & Archives[bewerken]

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Adrian Schwenk (Zazuko) about Archival Linked Open Data

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Adrian Schwenk (Zazuko)

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Richard Zijdeman (IISG) about If walls could talk, constructing buildings' biographies

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Richard Zijdeman (IISG) showing timelines for buildings connected to available data sources

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Richard Zijdeman (IISG) showing us tools like QBer and inspector

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Miel vander Sande (iMinds/University of Ghent) about HDT, Triple Pattern Fragments, and Memento: A Sweet Combo for Linked Data Archives

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Miel vander Sande (iMinds/University of Ghent)

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Miel vander Sande (iMinds/University of Ghent)

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Erwin Folmer (Kadaster) and Miel vander Sande (iMinds/University of Ghent)

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More good conversations during the next break

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And food for thought

Block UX, Best Practices, Tools & Demos[bewerken]

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Hans Viemann (Oracle) about GeoSPARQL Support and Other Cool RDF Graph Capabilities in Oracle

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Hans Viemann (Oracle)

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Hans Viemann (Oracle)

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Hans Viemann (Oracle)

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The audience

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Next announcement by Erwin Folmer (Kadaster)

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Albin Cheenath about the BAG Browser

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Great functionality using the available BAG data

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Erwin Folmer (Kadaster) and John Walker (Semaku)

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John Walker about the geneology project they have done with Cubiss and Bankai

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Bart van Leeuwen (Netage) giving us a W3C update

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Please check the Spatial Data on The Web Best Practices: and provide feedback and more examples

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And more good discussions during the last break

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Vassil Momtchev (Ontotext) about Linked geospatial data publishing with GraphDB

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Vassil Momtchev (Ontotext)

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Vassil Momtchev (Ontotext)

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Another announcement by Erwin Folmer (Kadaster)

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Dimitri van Hees (ApiWise) demo-ing csWeb (Common Sense Web application)

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Peter de Laat (GoUnitive) about Linked Data interaction challenges and a solution

UX Challenge Award Winners[bewerken]

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Bart-Jan de Leuw (CGI) about the Buying a House challenge

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Bart-Jan de Leuw (CGI), Gerard Persoon (Gpersoon BV) and Saskia van der Elst (Ordina Vision Works) demo-ing the Funda extension, which you can use for interactively exploring a neighborhood

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Laurens Rietveld (VU Amsterdam/Triply) about the YASGUI extension to visualize Geo Linked Data on a map using SPARQL queries and the available coordinates in the datasets used

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Laurens Rietveld (VU Amsterdam/Triply) demo-ing the new YASGUI functionality, which will also be available in PDOK

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Wouter Beek (VU Amsterdam/Triply) introducing the Data Journalism challenge

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Sam Ubels (Kadaster) demo-ing the serverless Data Journalism Linked Data solution after the introduction by Rein van ‘t Veer (VU Amsterdam/Geodan)

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Rob Lemmens (University of Twente – ITC) demo-ing the Space-Time-Cube (STC) possibilities for Data Journalism

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The winner of the UX Linked Data Challenge: The Data Journalism Team (with 44 votes from the audience)

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The Data Journalism team: fltr Rein van ’t Veer (VU Amsterdam/Geodan), Stanislav Ronzhin (University of Twente - ITC), Pieter van Everdingen (Geonovum/OpenInc), Sam Ubels (Kadaster), Wouter Beek (VU Amsterdam/Triply), Rob Lemmens (University of Twente - ITC)

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Second prize: The Buying a House Team (with 15 votes from the audience). Fltr Gerard Persoon (Gpersoon BV), Saskia van der Elst (Ordina Vision Works) and Bart-Jan de Leuw (CGI)

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Third prize: The Environmental Act Team (with 11 votes from the audience) with their YASGUI extension

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We got very positive feedback from the audience after the event

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Time for drinks

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For every participant we had a PLDN Linked Data Pearls book available.
This book is also online available at: Gems of Dutch Linked Data Applications

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Pictures: Pieter van Everdingen